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Monday, April 29, 2013

Episode 1: Drinkin' on a School Night

Here's the first episode of Typhoid Radio.  Download the show here, subscribe to the RSS feed, or stream it on this site.  Coming soon (hopefully):  iTunes.
All songs played by direct permission of the artists.  Click on the pictures below to check out the bands' websites.

I Hate Hippies,” by Kramer. (Tacoma, WA.) From the album, Kramer. Released September 20, 2011.

Cold Stare,” by Le Lo/Fi. (Tacoma, WA.) From first EP, recorded 2013. 

At Least I Didn’t Cut My Ear Off,” by Protected Left. (Formerly Grand Rapids, MI; relocated to San Francisco, CA.) From Posterity’s Sake, released December 15, 2012. 

I Was 19, You Were 20,” by Minutes. (Kalamazoo, MI.) From their seven inch, released February 24, 2010.

Pimply Black,” by Bullets or Balloons. (Olympia, WA.) From Bullets or Balloons, released September 15, 2012. 


Divide,” by Jesus on the Moon. (Puyallup, WA.) From the album, “Rare Forms.” Released April 10, 2013. 

Run Away,” by Sources in Code. (Tacoma, WA.) Unmixed demo from their Reverb Nation page.

Very Bad Dream,” by Porcelain God. (Tacoma, WA.) From their demo, released June 12, 2012.